-- Create the user create user T2PIP6 identified by T2PIP6 default tablespace T2PIP6 temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT; -- Grant/Revoke object privileges grant read on directory CARPETAINTER_BLU to T2PIP6; grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to T2PIP6; grant execute, read, write on directory EPCIS_BAJAR to T2PIP6 with grant option; grant execute, read, write on directory EPCIS_BAJAR_BAK to T2PIP6 with grant option; grant execute, read, write on directory EPCIS_BAJAR_ERR to T2PIP6 with grant option; grant execute, debug on GET_DIRECTORY_FILES to T2PIP6 with grant option; grant execute on UTL_FILE to T2PIP6; grant execute on UTL_INADDR to T2PIP6; grant execute on UTL_TCP to T2PIP6; grant select on V_$SESSION to T2PIP6; -- Grant/Revoke role privileges grant connect to T2PIP6 with admin option; grant dba to T2PIP6 with admin option; -- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant alter user to T2PIP6; grant create any index to T2PIP6; grant create any procedure to T2PIP6; grant create any sequence to T2PIP6; grant create any synonym to T2PIP6; grant create any table to T2PIP6; grant create any trigger to T2PIP6; grant create any type to T2PIP6; grant create any view to T2PIP6; grant create synonym to T2PIP6; grant create table to T2PIP6; grant create trigger to T2PIP6; grant create user to T2PIP6; grant delete any table to T2PIP6; grant drop any index to T2PIP6; grant drop any synonym to T2PIP6; grant drop any table to T2PIP6; grant drop any trigger to T2PIP6; grant drop any view to T2PIP6; grant execute any procedure to T2PIP6 with admin option; grant grant any privilege to T2PIP6 with admin option; grant insert any table to T2PIP6; grant select any table to T2PIP6 with admin option; grant unlimited tablespace to T2PIP6 with admin option; grant update any table to T2PIP6;